Work is worship

अश्वस्य लक्षणं वेगः मदो मातङ्ग लक्षणम् ।
चातुर्यं लक्षणं नार्याः उद्योगः पुरुष लक्षणम् ॥

घोडे का लक्षण वेग है, हाथी का कद, नारी की चतुराई, और पुरुष का लक्षण उद्योग है ।

An attribute of a horse is speed, an attribute of an elephant is giant. A woman has a speciality of cleverness, and a man is known for his endeavour.

Work. What does the word mean to me ? Is it boredom or passion ? It is burden or joy ? Is it pain or pleasure ? Is it hardship or worship ?  It depends upon our perception that what I do is soul feeding or soul distressing.  

A wonderful incident:  

Once a man was visiting a temple under construction. He came across three masons who were working at chipping chunks of granite from large blocks.

The first seemed unhappy at his job, chipping away and frequently looking at his watch. When the man asked what it was that he was doing, the first mason responded, rather curtly, “I’m hammering this stupid rock, and I can’t wait ’til 5 when I can go home.”

A second mason, seemingly more interested in his work, was hammering diligently and when asked what it was that he was doing, answered, “Well, I’m molding this block of rock so that it can be used with others to construct a wall. It’s not bad work, but I’ll sure be glad when it’s done.”

A third mason was hammering at his block fervently, taking time to stand back and admire his work. He chipped off small pieces until he was satisfied that it was the best he could do. When he was questioned about his work he stopped, gazed skyward and proudly proclaimed, “I…am building a temple!”

Three men, three different attitudes, all doing the same job. Purpose has the power to transform not only our attitude about the work that we do, but the quality of our work as well. The mental state is very important while working.

First one was cursing his work. It creates ill feeling in mind. Condemning or murmuring will give us only malaise and dismay. Anguish abusive attitude torments us. Morose and sullen mind can not do the work with perfection. Melancholy leads us to misery.  

Second one was meticulously working. He is hardworking and assiduous. Industrious and careful working leads us to reward. Being sedulous and conscientious is really helpful to others. But still something is missing.

Third one was working with great joy and pleasure. It is like singing a song. He lost himself in work. He poured his full heart and mind in it. This is real triumph and exultation. Exilience is the inner ecstasy and elation.         

Psychological analysis has an amusing insight and dispersion:

Task oriented (TO) :
They work for a day only. Only finishing task is important for them, however it may be !

Incentive oriented (IO) :
They work to gain something more. Greater the gain harder they work !

Significant other oriented  (SOO) :
They work for others’ appreciation and satisfaction. May be for an employer or an elderly person in family.

Motivation oriented (MO) :
They are working from inner self motivation. They have a goal in life and to achieve it they work hard.

Self actualisation oriented (SAO) :
Work is worship for them. They work for inner joy. Work gives them pleasure. They love work. To actualize it, involves spiritual awareness. They revel divine touch in work.

These are different mindsets while we pursue work. When I do work as devotion, whatever it may be, it gives heavenly delight. When I realize God in my work, my heart dances and echos in it. It transcends us in a flow. It gives contentment and fulfillment. It enriches inner self. Ultimately the happiness and gratification is the goal of human endeavour. Isn’t it ?

ZEN approach :

There is a Zen saying, "Before Enlightenment chop wood carry water, after Enlightenment, chop wood carry water." What’s the difference ? The tasks are the same. The need is the same.

Earlier it was a load, now it’s a relaxation. Earlier it was a burden, now it’s an enthusiasm. Earlier it was a pain, now it’s a pleasure. Earlier it was a malediction, now it’s a blessing.  

Often we say that today I have heavy workload. Once a professor of psychology asked, “How work can be a load ?” It’s not a load, it’s a joyful experience. It’s an eternal delight.  

Research says :

Since long research is being done in the field of positive psychology. It is a scientific study of happiness. Once a professor of this foundation asked a musician, “How do you feel when you play a music ?” He replied “Flow.” That is the point. Working is a pleasant journey. We are being in a flow when we are in love with it and get lost in it.   

Developing the view :

One should develop this view, “Whatever I do, I do it for my God. I love it. I do it with my whole heart. And I give it a perfection.” If I am not getting the work I love, I can develop and nourish love for the work I do. Apathy can be eradicated.

It is like cultivating a little beautiful fragrant plant within heart. When this plant will be flourished, I will be aromatised. It’s a positive approach towards life. It’s a process of inner purification and sublimation. Isn’t it worthy and meaningful ?

Helpful affirmations to give self at starting work and during work :
“A work is worship and a workplace is a temple for me. I love my work. I do it with great joy and enthusiasm. I enjoy while working. It is a play for me. I do it willingly. I do it with great passion. I pour my full heart into it. I feel deep level of satisfaction in it. It’s my devotion to God.”

An awful sanskrit subhashit says…    

अभ्यासेन क्रियाः सर्वाः अभ्यासात् सकलाः कलाः ।
अभ्यासात् ध्यानमौनादिः किमभ्यासस्य दुष्करम् ॥

अभ्यास से सब क्रिया होती है । अभ्यास से सब कला, ध्यान, मौन इ. होते हैं । अभ्यास से क्या दुष्कर है ?

By practice every action is being done. With practice one can do all kinds of work. One can practice meditation and silence as well. Nothing is impossible with practice.

One can saw, cultivate and nourish this mindset by putting efforts. When I accept the work as adjustment or compromise, it’s an oppression. But when I accept it willingly, wholeheartedly, devotionally, it becomes jubilation.

Divine insight from Bhagavad Gita :

बुद्धियुक्तो जहातीह उभे सुकृतदुष्कृते ।
तस्माद्योगाय युज्यस्व योगः कर्मसु कौशलम् ॥

United to the pure reason, one abandons both good and evil deeds and thus cleaves oneself to Yoga. Yoga can therefore be termed as skill in action.

योगस्थ:  कुरु  कर्माणि संगं   त्यक्त्वा  धनंजय ।
सिद्धयसिद्धयो: समो भूत्वा समत्वं योग उच्यते ॥

In this verse, Lord Krishna is advising Arjuna to perform action by dwelling in union with the Divine and at the same time renouncing all the attachments. He is advising Arjuna to remain evenly balanced in both success and failure. This is how Karma Yoga philosophy leads to equilibrium or equanimity of mind. When all our actions are dwelling in Divine in this manner, we truly start living the ‘Work is Worship’ philosophy.

A few pearls from the treasure of wisdom :

Teach me, my God and King,
In all things thee to see,
And what I do in any thing,
To do it as for thee:

Not rudely, as a beast,
To run into an action;
But still to make thee prepossessed,
And give it his perfection.

A servant with this clause
Makes drudgery divine:
Who sweeps a room, as for thy laws,
Makes that and the action fine.

~ George Herbert

“Do a little more than you’re paid to.
Give a little more than you have to.
Try a little harder than you want to.
Aim a little higher than you think possible,
And give a lot of thanks to God,
For health, family and friends.”

~ Art Linkletter

"Put your heart, mind, intellect and soul even to your smallest acts. This is the secret of success."
~ Swami Sivananda

“If you have a choice, choose the best. If you don’t have a choice, do the best.”
~ BK Shivani

Awful sanskrit subhashits…  

आलस्यं हि मनुष्याणां शरीरस्थो महारिपुः ।
नास्त्युद्यमसमो बन्धुः कृत्वा यं नावसीदति ॥

"आलस्य" इन्सान के शरीर में रहा हुआ बडा शत्रु है, और जो करने से नाश नहि होता उस "उद्यम" जैसा अन्य बंधु नहि ।

Laziness is a crooked enemy in human body. Work is the most righteous and intimate friend of a man as it doesn’t let a man die.


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