Songs of joy

In this age of crises, in these days of discomfort, everyone is craving for joy. We may try to find it in outer world. And when we fail to attain it; we grieve, we grumble. Our heart fills with gloom.

In such dryness and dreariness, this poem fills internal jollity. Whatever the situation is, however the happening does, sing a song of joy and mirth. To be happy is an inside job, never outside. When we realize it, we can develop positive understanding of life.

We can not control the outer circumstance. It is beyond our reach. But definitely we can control our inner circumstance. It is within our reach. In any condition, we have a choice; weather to be gloomy or to be jolly. So why to choose negative. Choose to gay and glee.

Youth has a concern with mental state. When we have spirited thoughts, we are young. Why to think negative and worried about death in young days. Death is celestial and heavenly.

Greed and hunger makes a man slave of passions. What we enjoy makes rich or poor not what we possess. So fill mind and heart with content. Be grateful for what we have.

Value what we have in mind and heart. Others may judge us from outer and worldly success. Don’t focus on it. But always focus on inner thoughts and qualities. Worldly success may sway away. It may fade away. What stays with us is inner thoughts and qualities.  

Feel blessed as God is with us and within us. He always cares for us. Everyday he touches us with divine love. He wakes us up and sleeps us down. I am not alone and God has not thrown me here. He comes with me. He has brought me here, he cares for me and he will bring me away as well.

How much we gather is not important. When we feel blessed in how much we have is important. So sing a song of life with joy and forget about weeping.    

Here is a song of joy:

Sing out, my soul, thy songs of joy;
Sing as a happy bird will sing
Beneath a rainbow's lovely arch
In early spring.

Think not of death in thy young days;
Why shouldst thou that grim tyrant fear?
And fear him not when thou art old,
And he is near.

Strive not for gold, for greedy fools
Measure themselves by poor men never;
Their standard still being richer men,
Makes them poor ever.

Train up thy mind to feel content,
What matters then how low thy store?
What we enjoy, and not possess,
Makes rich or poor.

Filled with sweet thought, then happy I
Take not my state from other's eyes;
What's in my mind -- not on my flesh
Or theirs -- I prize.

Sing, happy soul, thy songs of joy;
Such as a Brook sings in the wood,
That all night has been strengthened by
Heaven's purer flood.

~ William Henry Davies

The nub of the poem :

Oh my heart, my soul, sing out songs of joy. Sing like a happy bird, it sings in spring when rainbow appears beautifully in sky. Be happy, why to be sad and gloomy. Nay, don’t grieve. Be jolly and cheerful. Elate and exult. Delight with full heart.  

Don’t think of death in youth. A youth is full of arena and radiance. Come off with flying colors. Youth is not the age to fill heart with disparity and despondency. Death seems to be a grim tyrant, a cruel dictator. Death seems to be horrible and terrible. But don't be afraid of it when it is near in old age. Death is not the end of life. Death is nothing but a meeting with God. Death is holy, pious and sacred.

Don't crave for objective happiness. To be greedy is foolishness. Those who run after worldly pleasure, material happiness; consider them as poor men never. Though their standard is being richer day by day; but such sickness of richness makes them poor ever. They are poor with their mind and heart, as they are running after an elution.

Train up mind to feel content. Be grateful and fulfilled. List out what God has given, not what God hasn’t. If we have no luxuries or richness, if we have no opulence and affluence, it doesn't matter. What matters is what we enjoy and relish. Attitude to be jolly and satisfied in what we have makes rich or poor.  

When I fill my mind with candied thoughts, I feel happy. Don’t consider me from other’s opinions. I value and cherish what’s in my mind and heart, not on my or other's body. I value what’s inside not outside.  

Oh my heart, sing songs of joy. Such as a creek sings in the woods. It dances while flowing. As every night God touches us with divine love and makes us sleep. So as life has been filled with heavenly bliss and delight. As mother is caring for a child; God is caring for us. So feel blessed.


Let the people judge and babble. Love self. Enjoy life. Life is too short for grumbles and grudges. Let it go. Be thankful for what we have. Fill mind with content. Cherish in now. Celebrate a moment. Sing songs of joy. Have a joyful day !

Have a joyful day !


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