Hold thy faith firm, my heart!
Faith, faith, faith. Faith in self and faith in God. And faith in invariant principles of the holy scriptures. Faith is one of the most important qualities in life. One who loses faith will be negative. And one who holds faith will be positive.
When we put effort and it doesn’t turn into success, we get disappointed. We may mourn and throb in pang. We may stop putting our forth. But when we have faith in the heart, we will try again. We will continue. Faith whispers: Try again, it will give result one day. One who has no faith will quit, but one who has faith will sail on calmly.
Failure may cause a loss of faith. The company of a negative and selfish people may cause a loss of faith. Or any other external factor may also cause it. But wherever we are, with whom so ever we are, it’s completely upon us to hold faith. Don’t let others overwhelm. Let the inner bird sing whatever the situation is.
Nature has the best example of it. When we saw a seed, does it give fruits on the second day? It’s a process. We need to cultivate it. And with the gradual progress, it grows and turns into a big tree. And in the later period, it ripens sweet fruits in its season.
Here is a sweet little poem by Rabindranath Tagore. It tells us to hold faith in the heart. The day will dawn, don’t torment yourself. Like a bud, the effort will open its heart to the light. And silence will find its voice. What seems to be a drudgery today, it will turn into a blessing. What seems to be the suffering today, the same efforts will enlighten the path. Just hold faith and go calmly on.
It’s a heartening poem:
Hold thy faith firm, my heart,
The day will dawn.
The seed of promise
Is deep in the soil,
It will sprout.
Sleep, like a bud,
Will open its heart to the light,
And the silence will find its voice.
The day is near when thy burden will become thy gift,
And thy sufferings will light up thy path.
~ Rabindranath Tagore
The faithful heart is the symphony in turmoil and tumult. When we hold faith in heart, chaos can not frenzy us. We can keep the mind and body healthy in the midst of mistreating.