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Work is worship

अश्वस्य लक्षणं वेगः मदो मातङ्ग लक्षणम् । चातुर्यं लक्षणं नार्याः उद्योगः पुरुष लक्षणम् ॥ घोडे का लक्षण वेग है, हाथी का कद, नारी की चतुराई, और पुरुष का लक्षण उद्योग है । An attribute of a horse is speed, an attribute of an elephant is giant. A woman has a speciality of cleverness, and a man is known for his endeavour. Work. What does the word mean to me ? Is it boredom or passion ? It is burden or joy ? Is it pain or pleasure ? Is it hardship or worship ?   It depends upon our perception that what I do is soul feeding or soul distressing.   A wonderful incident:   Once a man was visiting a temple under construction. He came across three masons who were working at chipping chunks of granite from large blocks. The first seemed unhappy at his job, chipping away and frequently looking at his watch. When the man asked what it was that he was doing, the first mason responded, rather curtly, “I’m hammering this stupid rock, and I can’t wait ’til 5 when I can go ho

Here and now

Every moment we live in is new and refreshing. We can not experience the same moment again. If we put a hand in a river, we can not feel the same water all the time. The moment I speak one word, I can not experience the same moment even after uttering the same word again. Change occurs at every moment. It is not the same moment I live in. So it is said, “Only one thing is constant, it is change.” An awesome Subhashit in Sanskrit... पुनः प्रभातं पुनरेव शर्वरी पुनः शशांकः पुनरुद्यते रविः । कालस्य किं गच्छति याति यौवनं तथापि लोकः कथितं न बुध्यते ॥ फिर से प्रभात, फिर से रात्रि, फिर से चंद्र, और फिर से सूरज का उगना ! काल का क्या जाता है ? कुछ नहीं; यह तो यौवन जाता है, (पर) लोग कहाँ समज़ते हैं ? Again a morning and again a night, again a moon and again a sun. Nothing passes but the youth. In spite of all, people do not realize. So I am here in the now and every moment is fresh and new. “Here & now” is “Fresh & new” these are simple words but when we realize

Man, the crown of God’s creation !

“Proclaim to the whole world with trumpet voice, there is no sin in you, there is no misery in you, you are the reservoir of omnipotent power. Arise, awake, and manifest the divinity within !” ~ Swami Vivekananda   This is a small story of a lion cub. It was in the same mental trap as we live whole life in. Mental fog is the biggest hurdle to see clearly.   There was once a baby lion left by its dying mother among some sheep. The sheep fed it and gave it shelter. The lion grew apace and said "Ba-a-a" when the sheep said "Ba-a-a". One day another lion came by. "What do you do here?" said the second lion in astonishment: for he heard the sheep-lion bleating with the rest. "Ba-a-a," said the other. "I am a little sheep, I am a little sheep, I am frightened." "Nonsense!" roared the first lion, "come with me; I will show you." And he took him to the side of a smooth stream and showed him that w