
Say not

Efforts… efforts….efforts… but no results. Faces as many failures and disappointments. Then read this poem. A wonderful ecstasy of an endeavor. When we try and don’t succeed, the mind gets distressed. It agitates in a negative way. We may feel: why always me? We may feel: all the efforts I put are in vain. In such torments, we can surely empower the mind. The truth is: somewhere and somehow the same efforts make changes. We may not be able to notice it. So never ever lose faith and put forth in misery. Pain always teaches us. New strengths get revealed during sufferings. Struggle and scuffle make us brave. Grapple against the circumstance with an undying spirit. Surely the victory will emerge like the sun that arises after a dark and deep night. Here a few lines about it: SAY not the struggle nought availeth, The labour and the wounds are vain, The enemy faints not, nor faileth, And as things have been they remain. If hopes were dupes, fears may be liars; ...

I'll not look back

I’ll not look back for that is a useless effort, I can not live one moment of yesterday again, If I have wasted time and talents given If I have caused someone I love deep pain I can not change the words or acts by grieving But I can make today a shining light, Yesterday’s page with all mistakes I’ll turn away from And find before me a clean one on which to write. I’ll pray for strength to make today’s page spotless That tomorrow I’ll have no regret, And may God grant that all tomorrows My talents will be used for good, not one misspent. ~ Author Unknown Accept your past without regret, Handle your present with confidence, And Face your future without fear. ~ Author Unknown If you are depressed you are living in the past, If you are anxious you are living in the future, If you are at peace you are living in the present. ~ Lao Tzu Do not look back and grieve over the past; for it is gone, Do not be troubled about the future; f...

Stray birds

These are a few lines from Stray Birds by Rabindranath Tagore. Worth inspiring and heartening. Anyone who loves poetic philosophy loves these as well. I have picked my favourite ones. Here they are : STRAY birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away. And yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, flutter and fall there with a sigh. THE world has opened its heart of light in the morning. Come out, my heart, with thy love to meet it. DARKNESS travels towards light, but blindness towards death. "IN the moon thou sendest thy love letters to me," said the night to the sun. "I leave my answers in tears upon the grass." "WHO is there to take up my duties?" asked the setting sun. "I shall do what I can, my Master," said the earthen lamp. IF you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars. "WE, the rustling leaves, have a voice that answers the storms, but who are you so silent?" ...

A smile

A smile. It costs nothing but values more. It is an expression of an amiable heart. It lightens the heaviness. It begins the friendship. It refreshes the tired. It enlivens the exhausted. It sunshines the sad. It’s the sweetest antidote in trouble. Life a divine gift of God. Why waste it in hurry, worry and curry! God has created me and he has sent me into this beautiful world to enjoy. The sun rises and sets for me, a flower bloom for me, the wind blows for me, it rains for me and nature reveals for me, everything is being created to make me happy. So be happy and keep smiling. Whatever fate gifts us, it’s a divine gift of God. So don’t be scared of sorrows, and don’t be afraid of pleasures. In both, be cheery and jolly. Let the glee rest in the heart. Let the gaiety be our nature. Revel the inner delight and bliss in all. Here is a wonderful poem about a smile. The author is unknown but who has written this poem, must have a genial eternal soul.   Here it is: ...

An attitude makes all difference

Many years ago two salesmen were sent by a shoe company to Africa to find out if there was a market for shoes. The first salesman reported back, "There is no market where - nobody wears shoes." The second salesman reported back, "There is a huge market where - nobody wears shoes." You can look at the same situation in two different ways - negatively or positively. The first salesman looked at it as a problem; the second one looked at it as an opportunity. Next time we face a problem, let us ask ourselves "how can I do it?", rather than simply saying "it can't be done." ***** There were two brothers. One was a drunk who beat his family. The other one was a respected and successful businessman and was loving and caring towards his family. How could two brothers from the same parents, brought up in the same environment be so different? When asked they gave the following answers. The first one replied "I became li...

Turn fortune, turn thy wheel

पूर्वजन्मकॄतं कर्म तद् दैवमिति कथ्यते | तस्मात् पुरूषकारेण यत्नं कुर्यादतन्द्रित: || पूर्व जन्म मे किया हुवा अच्छा या बुरा कर्म जब फल देता है, इस जन्म मैं उसे दैव कहते है। इसलिए इन्सान को चाहिए इस जन्म में समय ना गवाते हुए अच्छे कर्म करे।   We may afraid of destiny. We may feel that what is prescribed in destiny is going to happen. We read the daily horoscope. We pay high to astrologers. We wear stones and rings and what not! We feel secure in that.  We feel that we are the puppets of someone else’s hand. He makes us dance according to his will. We feel helpless against that. We threaten and bow down to cruel bludgeonings of chance. According to me, this is all due to a lack of prudent knowledge. Vedic concepts are indifferent to what we used to believe. Human life and the world are being driven by the laws of the universe. The law of evolution, the law of karma, the law of attraction and repulsion, etc. And they sound well that I am the master of my fate and captain...