As you go through life!

It’s human nature to complain and grudge. We see flaws rather than virtues. But when we see with positive eyes, we can find the light that shadows hiding. The wisdom is to hunt for the stars rather than to spot the flaws. The current of life runs towards God’s heart. Don’t go against it. The existence of the universe is infinite. So don’t curse it with a small intellect. It’s nothing but the foolishness to fight with the infinite. The wise is he: who shapes his life as God’s plan. Here is the poem: Don't look for the flaws as you go through life; And even when you find them, It is wise and kind to be somewhat blind And look for the virtue behind them. For the cloudiest night has a hint of light Somewhere in its shadows hiding; It is better by far to hunt for a star, Than the spots on the sun abiding. The current of life runs ever away To the bosom of God's great ocean. Don't set your force 'gainst the river's course And think to alter its motion. Don't waste...