Look to this day !

गते शोको न कर्तव्यो भविष्यं नैव चिन्तयेत् ।
वर्तमानेन  कालेन वर्तयन्ति विचक्षणाः॥

बीते हुए समय का शोक नहीं करना चाहिए और भविष्य के लिए परेशान नहीं होना चाहिए, बुद्धिमान तो वर्तमान में ही कार्य करते हैं ॥

One should not mourn over the past and should not remain worried about the future. The wise operate in present.

Wise people always say : Live in now. Life is all in today. But human nature is complicated. We regret over the past or envision about future. In all affairs, we miss the joy of today.

When we regret yesterday, we offspring unease. When we envisage tomorrow, we descend worry. Our repentance or anxiety is not going to make any difference. Even it spoils our present. If I have distressed feeling about my past or anxious feeling about future, it makes me upset in present.

So never muddle in past and puzzle in future. When we bring our attention in the present moment with positive attitude, life starts. All power, all energy, all attention, when we bring in now, life becomes a real ecstasy.

Let us create peace with the past and hope for the future by taking positive action in present. Let’s be wise enough to live now, enjoy now, cherish now and celebrate now.

Here is a small poem, originally written by Kalidasa, the great ancient poet and laureate of India. It makes us aware of the present moment. So be in the now. Always remember : Today is the day; now is the moment.

It goes like this :

Look to this day
For it is life, the very life of life.
In its brief course
Lie all the verities and realities of your existence.
The bliss of growth,
The glory of action,
The splendor of achievement,
Are but experiences of time.

For yesterday is but a dream
And tomorrow is only a vision;
And today well-lived, makes
Yesterday a dream of happiness
And every tomorrow a vision of hope.
Look well therefore to this day;
Such is the salutation to the ever-new dawn!

~ Kalidasa


“Today is the best day.”
~ Author Unknown

“Let today be the day you finally release yourself from the imprisonment of past grudges and anger. Simplify your life. Let go of the poisonous past and live abundantly the beautiful present.. today.”
~ Dr. Steve Maraboli

“Yesterday is history,
tomorrow is mystery,
today is a gift of God,
that’s why we call it the present.”

~ Author Unknown


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