Turn problems into opportunities

“Every adversity carries with it the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit.”
~ Napoleon Hill

When we face a difficulty, what is our immediate reaction? Either we blame something or someone, we complain about it or we run away from the situation. “Why did this happen to me? What am I going to do now ?” Are we uttering sentences like these? This response is most natural. And lets us be the helpless victim of it.   

One foremost thing I depict many times is: Am I a victim? Or, Am I a master? Realize that I have a freedom. I have a choice. I can either wallow in misery and dwell on the negative aspects of situation or I can find the benefit of the lesson that the problem is offering. Don’t be ruled by circumstances, but rule over them. Be the master of self, not the victim.

There is always a flip side of the difficulty. What seems to be a problem is often not a problem at all. It may actually an opportunity. Try to make the benefit out of it. Firstly it looks like a tragedy, but actually, it’s not. When we take it positively, it becomes an opportunity. So never let a self-breakdown, but emerge in an adversity.

Believe that: No pressure; no diamonds. The things which hurt; actually instruct. The great disappointment is mostly blessing in disguise. A few benefits of an adversity are listed below. We may add up more according to own experience.

1. Adversity gives us perspective.
Once we’ve recovered from a life-threatening illness, a flat tire or a leaky roof doesn’t seem so troubling anymore. We’re able to rise above the petty annoyances of daily living and focus our attention on the truly important things in our life.
2. Adversity teaches us to be grateful.
Through problems and difficulties, especially those which involve loss or deprivation, we develop a deeper appreciation for many aspects of our life. It’s trite but true - we
don’t usually appreciate something until it’s taken away from us. When we have no hot water, we suddenly value hot water. Not until we’re sick do we cherish good health. The wise person continues to dwell on blessings, even after the period of loss or deprivation has passed.

3. Adversity brings out our hidden potential.
After surviving a difficult ordeal or overcoming an obstacle, we emerge emotionally stronger. Life has tested us and we were equal to the task. Then, when the next hurdle appears, we’re better equipped to handle it. Problems and challenges bring out the best within us - we discover abilities we never knew we possessed. Many of us would never have discovered these talents if life hadn’t made us travel over some bumpy ground. Adversity reveals to us our own strengths and capacities, and beckons us to develop those qualities even further.

4. Adversity encourages us to make changes and take action.
Most people cling to old, familiar patterns regardless of how boring or painful their lives have become. It often takes a crisis or a series of difficulties to motivate them to make adjustments. Problems are often life’s way of letting us know that we’re off course
and need to take corrective action.

5. Adversity teaches us valuable lessons.
Take the example of a failed business venture: The entrepreneur may learn something that enables him or her to succeed spectacularly on the next venture. Setback is nothing but a chance to try one more time, but this time more wisely.

6. Adversity opens a new door.
We lose a job and find a better one. The “problem” is not a problem at all, but rather an opportunity in disguise. One door in our life has been shut, but there is a better one waiting to be opened.

7. Adversity builds confidence and self-esteem.
When we muster all of our courage and determination to overcome an obstacle, we feel competent and gain confidence. We have a greater feeling of self-worth and We carry these positive feelings into subsequent activities.

So this elaborates a few advantages of having a difficulty. A smooth sea never made a skillful sailor. It’s a rough road that leads us to the heights of greatness.

Always look to the positive :

Sure, we all have our share of problems and adversities in life. But what we can do is : Don’t immediately judge the situation as a tragedy and dwell on how bad off we are. Sometimes we won’t be able to instantly spot the benefit that will come from being in the situation, but it does exist.

We always have a choice. We can view our problems as negative and become gloomy and depressed about them. Let me assure that this approach will only make things worse. Or, we can see every seemingly negative experience in our life as an opportunity, as something we can learn from, as something we can grow from. Believe it or not, our problems are there to serve us, not to destroy us !

So, the next time we suffer a problem or setback in our life, don’t get discouraged or give up. Don’t let problems cloud our attitude window forever. Clear off that cloudy window. We may find, after the dust settles, that we can actually see better than we did before !

Continually ask own self  what I have learned from my trying experience and focus on moving forward and growing as a winner. In times of crisis, always strive to maintain an optimistic attitude and an open mind - for this is the environment that will allow us to find the benefit in our difficulty.

Indwelling God

Great source of inspiration and consolation in odds is Indwelling God. God is with me and within me. This is the immense inner strength that gives power to strive in struggles. All leaves, but he doesn’t. He loves a lot and gives energy to face whatever happens. So don’t tell God that I have a big problem. But tell a problem that I have a big God.

Even odds are the divine love letters of God. He wants me to strengthen. So he is showering difficulties. It’s his divine love. And it’s inner ecstasy to face and make a way out of it. I am getting upgraded and developed in the midst of them. When we choose to think in this divine way, tyrant grim seems lighter.

So be calm and face whatever comes on the way.  
Come what may ! Always say : “I am ready. And I can do it.”


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